6.0 Market Recaps

Overall, Market Recaps summarize SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard quarterly revenues, earnings calls and news in the quarter. 

6.2 Photo Selection

Please include a sentence with a theme or metaphor in the headline, abstract or recap to make photo selection easier. Feel free to suggest a photo at Shutterstock.com (SmartTRAK has an account). Photo selection will be much more limited if analysts do not include a metaphor/theme in the article (e.g., business photo, body part, etc.) 


  • US Orthobio market shines bright for the first quarter of 2023.
  • Soft Tissue Fixation Rebounds in Q123 To Start the Year In a Positive Direction.
  • New product introductions propelled growth for the Trauma segment during the fourth quarter.
  • Q123 Total Joints Market Recap: Favorable Winds of Change (headline)