6.0 Market Recaps

Overall, Market Recaps summarize SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard quarterly revenues, earnings calls and news in the quarter. 

6.4 Intro

Based on QXXX SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard

  • Use bullets. End each with a period.
  • US/WW revenues/YoY Growth by Segment.

May include:

  • Company Shares by Segment
  • Write out company names with abbreviations on first reference. Link to Company/Product Profiles on first reference (if in bullets).
  • First mention of revenues requires a reference in the text to the corresponding figures. (See Figures 1-4). 

Example 1:  https://app.smarttrak.com/analysis/qs/b0bce246ff0a774fac10020f7faf34e8

Example 2: https://app.smarttrak.com/analysis/qs/91c2a709911e30efac10020f79ca76e4