6.0 Market Recaps

Overall, Market Recaps summarize SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard quarterly revenues, earnings calls and news in the quarter. 

6.8 General Style for Market Recaps

  • Sources/References: Write out, capitalize and italicize the full name of sources/journals on first reference and add the abbreviation in parentheses: Wells Fargo Securities (WFS). Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery (JNIS). 
  • SmartTRAK Products/Markets/Articles: Italicize and capitalize any mention of SmartTRAK in the body of the text. Italicize, capitalize and link to any SmartTRAK product/market/article. . It is never possessive (e.g., it is SmartTRAK Product Explorer NOT SmartTRAK’s Product Explorer). 

For example, SmartTRAK US DBS Market Overview, Q123 Total Joint Market Recap: Favorable Winds of Change, Saluda Medical: Changing the Game in Spinal Cord Stimulation on first mention.

  • Events: Write out and capitalize official meeting names on first reference and add the abbreviation: For example, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS).
  • Companies, Products, People:
    • Capitalize company names, formal product names and formal company divisions.
    • Make sure you are using the correct company/product names by checking the SmartTRAK profile/company website.
    • Write out the full name of products/companies on first reference and link to the SmartTRAK profiles on first reference (if profiled). For Companies, add the abbreviation (stock ticker). 
    • For subsequent references, use the company abbreviations (previously defined) when referencing companies. For products, use the shortened product names. 
    • Capitalize professional titles ONLY if they immediately precede the name. For example, capitalize Medtronic President and CEO Geoff Martha. Do NOT capitalize Geoff Martha, president and CEO of Medtronic. 
    • Capitalize “the Company” when it is the subject of a sentence (after previously writing the company name (e.g., Medtronic) so it’s clear what company you are referring to). 
  • Markets/Segments/Product Categories: Capitalize formal references to a market but not segments/product categories.
    • Capitalize formal Market Names: For example:
      The Q123 WW Spine Enabling Tech Market was up +12.6% YoY, according to SmartTRAK Financial DashboardOR
      For Q123, WW Advanced Dressings Market accounted for $1.19B in revenue…
    • Do not capitalize Segments/Product Categories: 

The WW Biologics Market is comprised of skin substitutes/CTPs, collagen/active dressings and topical drug/delivery products experienced double-digit growth in Q123, up 17.0%, reaching $603.2MM. 

  • Headers: Make sure headers are concise. Capitalize Key Words (Title case). May use widely known abbreviations in the header. The editor will choose the header format. 
  • Links: Link to each Company/Product Profile on first mention. Use blue link in editing tool bar to link to SmartTRAK source. To link to an image or file, upload the file to the SmartTRAK server. Do not link to any documents on your personal computer

6.81 Figures/Tables: Figures include all graphical displays of information that are not tables. Common types include graphs, charts, drawings, maps, plots, and photos. Just like tables, figures should supplement the text and should be both understandable on their own and referenced fully in the text. 

  • Every Figure or Table should be numbered, have a title (in title case), a date and a source. Make sure any downloadable figure has the title and source as well. Italicize SmartTRAK

For example: 

Figure 1: Q123 AWC Shares by Segment 


Source: SmartTRAK Financial Dashboard 

Table 1: Projected WW Deep Brain Stimulation Market Revenue, 2022-2027E


Source: SmartTRAK, LLC